Hong Kong Cellist Society 香港大提琴家協會

繁體中文English (United Kingdom)

[Apr 2019] Lost of an extraordinary cellist– Timothy Landauer


We are sorry to inform you all that Timothy Landauer, Pacific Symphony Principal Cellist, had passed away in mid-April 2019.

Ms Clara Tsang, Founder of HKCS, still remembers the time when she first met Timothy Landauer in his visiting performance in Hong Kong in 1993. “It was the first time for me to listen to a formal concert featuring large-scaled cello pieces. His music had a pure and warm genuine human touch and I was totally mesmerized and also shocked to realize what a powerful and beautiful instrument a cello could be played.”

Timothy, who was hailed “a cellist of extraordinary gifts” by the New York Times when he won the coveted Concert Artists Guild International Award in 1983 in New York, had been has been the principal cellist for Pacific Symphony for over 20 years. He was a much loved musician, talented and inspiring. We share our deepest condolence with his family and friends.


Photo: Pacific Symphony

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